MAISON PIN was founded in 2016 by Hans Forsberg. Through the believe of designing products that not only measure time, but thanks to their aesthetics and functions, transcend changes in fashion while retaining the enduring codes that make it reliable - years to come. With roots in the north of Sweden, from a place known as the High Coast. A land where the steep mountains and stony islands rise high up from the sea and meet a vast forest landscape. Revealing extraordinary beauty and spellbinding stories. The land that shaped us, encouraged us to follow our dreams, taught us to be humble and to always see the beauty in people.
“Beautiful things do not ask for attention”
This belief truly reflects this land and it is from that belief we find our inspiration. An inspiration to create products as beautiful and enduring as this nature. Something that get but do not ask for attention.

Born as the sixth generation in the family farm located in a place called Husbyn or as you would say in France “Maison village”.
In 1967 during a working day in my grandfather’s career as a lumberjack he find a beautiful and old pine tree that was to be felled. Determined that you don’t cut down such a fine tree, he got the company to save it and even today you can find that pine tree marked with a silver plate that tells the story of how it survived.